Let's talk about your trial
Whether you're in Clinical Operations, Data Management, Safety, or in an adjacent team at a clinical-stage biopharma company, we'd love to share the industry best practices we've observed and how Miracle has been helping biotech companies save time in their trials.
We know how tedious and time-consuming it can be to maintain spreadsheets trackers to manage your clinical trial. This is because your vendor reports and clinical trial systems, such as the Electronic Data Capture (EDC) and lab systems, do not integrate, and your team needs to manually update trackers. With Miracle, we integrate with your clinical trial systems and existing trackers into a fully automated, real-time dashboard.
In just a few days.
We have pre-built connectors to commonly used clinical trial systems, and provide out-of-box dashboards to help your team get started quickly.
Miracle is flexible and customizable. With all your data already in Miracle, it's very easy and quick to spin up new visualizations and create new dashboards, bringing together data from various clinical trial systems (i.e. EDC, labs) into a single unified view. You will also have the ability to drill into any visualizations to obtain more granular details, such as breaking out the number of randomizations across sites and across time. Unlike static reports often found in the EDC or vendor reports, we make it possible for your team to answer new questions that arise throughout your clinical trial. We will be with you every step of the way.
Yes. Clinical Operations team members need granular insights on how each of your sites and your vendors are bringing participants into your study. On the other hand, your executive leadership may need top-line metrics and how they are trending, such as screenings, screen failures, and randomizations. Miracle makes it very easy to provision access to different dashboards specific to each role.
Ready to save time in clinical trials?
In just a few days, wake up to automated insights from Miracle. Say goodbye to manual spreadsheet trackers and give your team 20% of their time back.